About APCA
The Association of Political Consultants in Asia is a professional group of people working in the field of politics in Asia.
There are presently four regional associations of political consultants: American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC), European Association of Political Consultants (EAPC), Associacion Latinoamericana de Consultores Politicos, and the Centro InterAmericano de Gerencia Politica. All of the regional associations are linked with the International Association of Political Consultants or IAPC.
As the 1st Republic in Asia, the Philippines takes pride in establishing and convening APCA with the intention of establishing chapters in various countries. As the lead country in the formation, the Philippines shall serve as the permanent secretariat of APCA.
APCA is a group of individuals in Asia that actively promotes politics, political communication, public affairs, government relations, and other similar professions involved in the practice of political consulting, create a network of political consultants in Asia, conduct campaign seminars tapping local and international experts, introduce and use technologies in campaigns, and recognize the best practices of political consulting in Asia.
Prof. Maria Lourdes N. Tiquia, an alumna of the Graduate School of Political Management, George Washington University, is the lead convenor of APCA.
Code of Professional Ethics
As Member of the Association of Political Consultants in Asia (APCA), I do solemnly pledge to adhere to the standards and practices set forth in the following Code of Professional Ethics:
- I will engage in activities to promote and strengthen the practice of political consulting.
- I will treat my clients and colleagues with respect, and will strive to protecttheir professional or personal reputations at all times.
- I will uphold the trust of my clients and keep confidential all classified and privileged information that I obtain during our professional relationship.
- I will work for equal voting rights and privileges for all citizens, regardless of gender, race or ethnicity, economic status, and religion; promote public and voter’s education; and will work against any form of unlawful discrimination or disenfranchisement.
- I will uphold existing electoral laws and regulations and encourage those within my sphere of political influence to do the same.
- I will fully disclose to clients my previous acts and associations or affiliations that may be deemed as conflicts of interest.
- I will desist from making or spreadingfalse or misleading information against political opponents and their family members, friends, and associates and will exert efforts to thwart such tactics.
- I will be truthful in dealing with the media at all times and honestly respond to their queries to the extent of authority granted to me.
- I will utilize, and account for, the funds and other resources of my clients or their organizations that are at my disposal for intended purposes and for the best interests of the clients.
- I will support or associate with individuals or organizations that promote the ethical standards and practices enunciated in this Code.
- I will not exploit APCA or apply its resources to endorse or support, whether openly or covertly, any candidate and/or political party.